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*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)

3 easy ways to play the long game… and why you should!

Dec 07, 2022

Good morning!

When I started 5 with Fitz, I promised you that I would hold nothing back when it comes to sharing what I know about the strategies and tactics that have helped the world’s most successful investors and traders make millions. Perhaps even billions.

Today, I want to keep that promise with a special 5 with Fitz.

We’ve talked about the importance of having long-term perspective before, but recent trading conditions make it abundantly clear that we need to revisit the subject. There’s just too much opportunity out there not to!

I know that’s hard to imagine with the markets down again this morning.

That’s exactly why you should!

The smartest money in the world plays the “long game,” not the short-term fear that’s roiling headlines. In fact, I’ll bet you dimes to dollars they’re snapping up shares right now rather than running in the other direction.

Billionaire Warren Buffett, for example, has made no bones about “being greedy when others are fearful.

The late Sir John Templeton, who is widely regarded as one of the most successful stock pickers ever to play the game, said simply “to buy when others are despondently selling.

Lord Nathan Rothschild, an 18th-century nobleman and scion of the House of Rothschild who made a fortune buying during the panic of the Battle of Waterloo, reportedly said, “Buy when there’s blood in the streets,” to which I’ve added, “even if it’s your own.

Buy low, sell high is how you play the game.

Admittedly, it’s not easy.

The headlines are filled with reasons to give up. Inflation rages, the threat of a recession is very real, Russia refuses to back down in Ukraine, China’s got it out for Taiwan, politics… you name it.

Many people are tempted to bury their head in the sand with a sign on their rear end saying, Kick me when it’s over. Yet, that’d potentially be one of the most expensive mistakes any investor can make.

Again, I know this is hard to imagine.

Emotions are running high. Fear is creeping in around the edges. That’s a problem because emotions lead to suboptimal decisions. Usually, the unprofitable kind.

Here are three simple ways to play the long game… and why you’ll want to.

#1) Get your emotions out of the picture.

Read, learn, turn off the dang TV, and shut down your cell phone. Headlines are designed to provoke an emotional response, so remove that input.

#2) Play the long game.

I mean it—consciously make the decision that the short-term ___ (a word I won’t use this morning) isn’t going to bother you. You’ll be amazed at how liberating that can be when you do!

#3) Buy the very best companies you can.

Meaning companies making “must-have” products and services the world cannot live without. Anything “nice to have” is a risk you don’t want or need in your portfolio at the moment.

People tell me frequently, “But there could be more selling.”

They’re right.

That’s definitely possible as the Fed’s follies continue and our government lacks anything remotely resembling financial literacy.

Here’s what most people are missing.

Counter-intuitively, more selling works in your favour.

Buying into dips, corrections, recessions boosts compounding, lowers risk, and—ta da!—dramatically enhances profits over time.

Speaking of which, I sat down for an extended interview with my colleague Dan Geltrude, aka America’s Accountant on RFDTV yesterday, and I thought you might enjoy the entire 7-minute segment: (Watch)

  • How to play the long game and why you’ll want to
  • Which companies to buy and which to avoid
  • What I see in 2023

You got this—I promise!

BTW, I write about stuff like this in One Bar Ahead® constantly, including specific stock recommendations along with the tips, tactics, and strategies you’ll need to become a confident, successful investor on par with Buffett, Templeton, and Rothschild.

If you’d like some help on your investing journey, I’m here. Upgrade to Paid


Keith 😊

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)


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