Beat Wall Street at its own game.

There will be more profits created in the next 10 years than the last 50 combined. My job is to help you find 'em, then get your money there first by sharing the strategies and tactics that have helped successful investors and traders go from zero to millions, perhaps even billions. All in plain English beginners will understand and experts will appreciate.

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Beat Wall Street at its own game.

There will be more profits created in the next 10 years than the last 50 combined. My job is to help you find 'em, then get your money there first by sharing the strategies and tactics that have helped successful investors and traders go from zero to millions, perhaps even billions. All in plain English beginners will understand and experts will appreciate.

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Already a member? Click here.

The markets have never been more challenging.

  • Deciding where to focus and why is overwhelming.
  • You're not getting consistent results and have no idea how to fix that.
  • The Fed, Washington and Wall Street are out of control.
  • Computers trade so fast humans can't keep up
  • It’s harder than ever to keep your money safe

And your options aren’t great

  • You know the game is rigged. But you have no idea which stocks to buy or what tactics can put the odds in your court.
  • DIY is challenging. Most investment research leaves you with more questions than answers. Not to mention, a lot of it is crap.
  • Courses are hit and miss. Many focus on specific tactics and are uber-expensive. They can be long and boring, and fail to show you how to achieve consistent results over time.
  • Hiring a professional is expensive, if you can find a good one. Most cost thousands of dollars a year yet provide very little proactive guidance and are often late to big trends. Many prioritize big clients over smaller investors who could really use the help.
  • It's easier than ever to make bad decisions. The Internet is filled with hype masquerading as research. Once in a while you may get lucky but odds are most of the time you won't.

The markets have never been more challenging.

  • Deciding where to focus and why is overwhelming.
  • You're not getting consistent results and have no idea how to fix that.
  • The Fed, Washington and Wall Street are out of control.
  • Computers trade so fast humans can't keep up
  • It’s harder than ever to keep your money safe

And your options aren’t great

  • You know the game is rigged. But you have no idea which stocks to buy or what tactics can put the odds in your court.
  • DIY is challenging. Most investment research leaves you with more questions than answers. Not to mention, a lot of it is crap.
  • Courses are hit and miss. Many focus on specific tactics and are uber-expensive. They can be long and boring, and fail to show you how to achieve consistent results over time.
  • Hiring a professional is expensive, if you can find a good one. Most cost thousands of dollars a year yet provide very little proactive guidance and are often late to big trends. Many prioritize big clients over smaller investors who could really use the help.
  • It's easier than ever to make bad decisions. The Internet is filled with hype masquerading as research. Once in a while you may get lucky but odds are most of the time you won't.

What you need instead is the confidence that you're on the right track. That you own the right companies. And a breakdown of exactly how to pursue both. We call this being One Bar Ahead®

One Bar Ahead®combines two very simple concepts ... 1) buying the world's best companies making "must have products and services" when nobody wants 'em & selling when others can't resist buying then 2) keeping risk as low as possible at all times.

Being One Bar Ahead® means you get:

  • Meaningful results: Aligning your money with where it's going means you and your money will capture structural shifts changing the world we live in. Conventional diversification and sector based analysis is based on where the world has been. And, it's badly broken.
  • Professional-grade tactics explained in plain English: Most people want to buy great stocks but simply lack the knowledge, education and tools to find 'em.
  • A rigorously researched and proven framework: Buying a stock without knowing how it "fits" is like driving without knowing where you are going. But, sadly, that's what most people do with entirely predictable results.
  • Peace of mind: Having a plan and knowing how to execute it gives you confidence and helps you sleep through at night.
  • 42 years of experience: in global markets mean I have first hand experience and perspective others don't. I'll share where the money's going and why, often months ahead of the headlines. Often including information Wall Street can't or won't share.
  • Education: I believe educated investors are more successful so I do my best to make sure you know when, how and why to make the most of our time together.

Growth with and without One Bar Ahead®

With One Bar Ahead® you can build real sustainable wealth over time without the false starts and mistakes that trip up most investors. You'll learn to approach the markets with newly found confidence and the skills needed to make the most of it through good times and bad. No PhD or previous investing experience required. All in plain English.

One Bar Ahead® helps you get on the right track.

Many investors fail for one simple reason ... they lack the long-term vision and perspective needed to get through short-term chaos. OBA is a rules based approach that takes emotion out of the equation.

What sets One Bar Ahead® apart?

Goodbye to guesswork

Most investing services are little more than glorified "tip sheets" focused on the hot money. If that's what you want, fine.

One Bar Ahead® is about investing in optimism and its outcome is controlling your financial destiny. We have real discussions about which stocks to buy, why and how ... all of which is backed by decades of data-driven research and experience.

One Bar Ahead® involves 1) recognising that much of what we've been taught to believe about the financial markets isn't true any longer or is at best misguided and 2) investing in a new financial paradigm based on where the world is going rather than where it's been.


World-class research

I’ve been closely involved in global markets for nearly 45 years as a researcher, analyst, consultant, private investor and trader.

During that time, I've learned a thing or two about making money in the markets. How to find great stocks, manage risk and many of the strategies and tactics that have helped successful investors and traders go from zero to millions, perhaps even billions of dollars.

Knowing what to buy is only half the battle, though. Things change when you understand how and why, too. It’s empowering and, if I have anything to say about it, fun.

Some of my readers have been with me for more than 20 years, and that doesn't exactly happen by accident.


Written in plain English

Many analysts play buzzword bingo because they think it makes them sound smart.

Not me.

Every investing idea, every explanation, every bit of research is presented in plain English that beginners understand and professionals appreciate.

No hype, no gimmicks, no gotchas!

Is it worth the money?

We like to think so, but don't take our word for it. Here are what our members say:

Maximise profit potential, minimize risk

Specific buy, sell recommendations, commentary, behind the scenes analysis, access to proprietary predictive indicators, education, weekly updates, Ask Me Anythings and more!

Who is One Bar Ahead® for?

Serious individuals AND professionals in search of a proven big-picture, thematically driven, safety-first approach to growing their money over time. Since launch, we've proven that we’re a great fit for nearly every age, life stage, and account size.

One Bar Ahead®is optimized for…

selectedDIYers who are tired of Wall Street's table scraps, frustrated by bad advice and false promises

selectedPeople who want to regain the confidence needed to build a lifetime of wealth and financial security

selected Savvy folks who want to know they are on track and own the right companies needed to keep it that way.

selectedTime proven, rigorously researched strategies that can help you achieve financial security through good and bad times.

selected Constant risk management, education and knowledge

Who's NOT a fit?

selected Quick-buck artists

selected People in search of a blue-plate special

selected Cherry-pickers and ticker hunters

"I greatly appreciate your method of sharing knowledge and skills, which resonates with my coaching techniques. As a former D1 swimmer, swim coach, and current customer success leader for a swimming-based website, I've found that demonstrating or proving a concept is more effective than simply instructing someone on what to do. This approach fosters ownership and buy-in, contributing to coaching success.


In contrast to our previous financial advisors who offered generic advice like "Save More, Spend Less, Don't Be Stupid," and then handed us a bill, your approach at OBA is refreshingly different. Your positive attitude and can-do spirit regarding market success have been precisely what my wife and I needed to re-enter the market and regain control of our financial future. Similar to the individuals in your stories, we had faced challenges beyond our control, leading us off course. Thanks to you and OBA, those days are behind us."
- Scott K (Dec. 26, 2023)

"I'm at the one-year anniversary of my OBA subscription and it's time for me to renew. I've been diligently following your advice for the last year and thought I'd share something with you. I found one investment that has outperformed all of the investments you've recommended in the OBA model.
It's the subscription fee to OBA. Between realized gain, dividends, and unrealized gain I'm ahead $162,178 for the year if I only count OBA investments. That's a 10,848% return on my $1,495 subscription fee. By far the best investment I've ever made and I'm excited to renew and see what the next year has in store. Thank you so much for what you do!
- Brian B (Dec. 23, 2023)

Ready to get One Bar Ahead®?

Become a better, more confident investor immediately!


(That's cheaper than a gallon of gas, less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks, and less than a slice of Pizza.)


  • Specific buy/sell recommendations
  • Weekly commentary
  • Behind the scenes analysis
  • Access to proprietary predictive indicators
  • Tactics education
  • Weekly Ask Me Anythings
  • Mobile/tablet friendly
  • 401k friendly
Join Now

Looking for FAQ's? Keep scrolling (after this quick note from Clint)

From Clint (OBA Member)

Hi Keith,

I joined the One Bar Ahead family in Feb 2022. By simply "following along", my portfolio is currently up over 36% YTD!!!

I have invested (and wasted) a lot of money over the years on subscriptions to a bunch of different newsletters. Not a single one has been worth it.... Until I subscribed to One Bar Ahead.

Every other stinkin' newsletter and/or stock advice guru ALWAYS spent more time and energy trying to upsell me more of whatever flavor of Koolaid they were selling. Very little effort was given to actually providing good investment information.

I was so tired of all of the garbage information floating around out there, that I am sorry to admit, I almost didn't subscribe to One Bar Ahead out of fear of wasting more money.

Boy was I wrong to think that! I am so glad that I decided to subscribe!!!

Your insight and information is given in a logical, straightforward and honest way so that everyone from the greenest beginner to the experienced pro can learn, understand and apply the information provided.

The best part is that every communication that I get from you is actually helpful in my investing journey. I don't just get endlessly spammed with sales letters to "upgrade your subscription to the ultimate, super secret, insiders only, pot of gold, platinum package".

Anyway, all joking aside, it is very refreshing and greatly appreciated that you provide such an incredible, valuable and informative service. I can guarantee you that I am not the only one that appreciates the gift of your knowledge. So, thank you. You're great!

- 2022/08/16



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