Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)

Bitcoin, big tech and a quick reminder!

Dec 04, 2023

Good morning! 👋

The markets are down in early going which isn’t surprising given the strength of November’s run.

The path of least resistance is still higher.

What’s happening this morning as I type – the selling – is entirely normal. The markets need buying AND selling periodically to build strength for the next leg higher.

Speaking of which, the fabulous Stuart Varney asked me about two things this morning ahead of the opening bell:

  1. Would I be buying into the latest bitcoin rally; and,

  2. Will the Magnificent 7 (Tech Stocks) continue to lead the way?

My answers may surprise you. (Watch)

In other news, the big migration is finally upon us.

We’re upgrading our systems in preparation for the next phase of our company’s growth this week. So, let’s plan on resuming the 5 with Fitz next Monday, perhaps sooner if we’re in a position to make the jump more quickly.

Please keep an eye on your email!

We’re going to be changing over our email servers as part of this process and that may require “whitelisting” our new emails to ensure that a) you keep getting them and b) we remain in good graces with the spam gods.

Meanwhile, earnings will be quiet this week so the markets may be listless.

I suggest getting your “buy” list ready because listless behaviour often translates into opportunity. Selling Cash Secured Puts or LowBall Orders could both work nicely.

Bottom Line

Many investors are drawn to their screens like moths to a light on a hot summer evening because they believe that’s what they have to do to succeed. Not so and potentially a very expensive mistake.

The real flex is being able to walk away from your screens.

Confident in the knowledge that you own the right stocks, are using the right tactics and have aligned your money to harness the volatility others fear.

Just sayin’

As always, let’s MAKE it a great day and a strong week!

You got this.

Keith 😊

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)


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