Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)

“Kill the chicken to scare the monkey”

Dec 03, 2021

Good morning!

There’s a lot of money on the move and that means there’s a ton of opportunity being created.

Here’s my playbook.

1 – Omicron: plan on the world in 6 months max

Omicron is a heavily mutated strain and there is already community spread. That points to the annuitization of virus-related revenues. (Read)

Pfizer remains my #1 Virus+ choice because of everything the company will do with the mRNA knowledge it’s gaining from vaccine development. Combine that with a dividend and you’ve got one heck of an investment for years to come IMHO.

2 – “Kill the chicken to scare the monkey”


 That’s the expression in Chinese. Millions of investors are beside themselves this morning saying they had no idea DIDI would delist but that’s simply not true. Here’s what I told the One Bar Ahead™ Family on July 8th in a special alert …

You are playing with fire if you own ANY Chinese stocks whatsoever, especially if you don’t have on the ground experience there like I do.

3 – The real reason the jobs report stunk

The November jobs report was a bust and a big one at that with just 210,000 jobs added versus the 550,000 expected. Political types on the left say this is because corporations haven’t done enough while those on the right say there’s too many incentives to stay home.

It’s neither.

People want to go back to work but a) many have developed promising side-hustles during covid and would rather be responsible for themselves than put their faith in a job they hate and b) covid changed the game.

NO politics needed, assumed, or implied.

From an investing standpoint, this means you need to hunt for picks and shovels, not the gold everybody else seeks. Like Microsoft. I raised my target to $400 a share last August (when it took out the $300 target I set last year) and the stock is already on track.

4 – FTC squares off against Nvidia

The agency says that the semiconductor deal is anticompetitive. Not to be harsh, but the FTC wouldn't understand modern competition if it bit ‘em in the you know what. They blew it with the Baby Bells, with Microsoft, and have blown it with dozens of other transactions over the years. (Read)

The real problem is that governments around the world finally understand how critical chips are to national security. Any pullback is a gift.

5 - Sneak peek: “Issue Friday”

The December edition of One Bar Ahead™ comes out a few hours from now and I’m super excited.

I’m recommending a spectacularly inexpensive company poised to dominate a $1.1 trillion market that is truly “off planet” and sharing a new Power Trading Tactic you can use immediately. There’s also the much-anticipated 2021 Report Card. Hits, misses and party fouls ... it’s all there so OBArs please keep an eye on your email. (Learn more)

Bottom Line

The world’s best investors and traders surround themselves with like-minded people.

Seek ‘em out then listen closely and learn.

Now, let’s get out there and make it a GREAT day!

You got this – I promise!


Keith :-)

Straight to your inbox from Keith himself!

*Trusted by 20,000+ savvy investors in 36+ countries (and counting)


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